Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day

This was my first mother's day! I love being a mother! I love holding my baby and I love it when he talks to me and I love it when he's sleeping and when he's awake and how much he loves taking a bath and getting his diaper changed! i love happy baby and sad baby and angry baby! i love how cute he is all the time! i love it when he's sleeping and thinks there's a bottle still in his mouth and he makes a sucking face. i love how good it feels when he's sleeping on your shoulder! i even love staying up all night with him..which i'm pretty lucky because that doesn't happen very often. he sleeps most of the night! pretty much he's perfect...hehehe.
Here's some pictures of the page that Brad and Van made me. Sheri also helped.


Amy said...

How fun, your first mother's day! I like to watch you with Van; you're a cute momma.

Jess and Carl said...

I never saw this! SO CUTE! What a great idea and a great hubby to do this for you!